sabato 18 gennaio 2014

Installing Apache Solr 4 Search Server on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy 32/64bit Linux Getting-Started

Apache Solr 4 Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Quick-Start Guide

The Tutorial Show How-to Install Apache Solr 4 Search Server on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander i386/amd64 Linux.

Apache Solr is an industrial-strength, high performance, thread-safe search server based on Apache Lucene.

Solr uses Lucene under the covers to provide the most powerful full text search capabilities available in any open source product.

Inside the Apache Solr 4 Installation on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy You find Link to Recommended Oracle Java JDK 7 Installation Guide.

Install Solr 4 on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Linux - Featured
  1. Download Apache Solr Server for Linux:

    Get Solr 4+ for Linux
  2. Open Terminal Window

    Press Cmd/Win and Search for "term"
    Install Solr 4 on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Linux - Open Terminal
  3. Extract Apache Solr Archive:

    tar xvzf solr*.tgz
    rm solr*.tgz
  4. Relocate Apache Solr Search Server:

    sudo su -c "mv solr* /opt/"
  5. How-to Install Required Oracle-Sun JDK 7 on Ubuntu Linux:

    Install Oracle JDK7 for Ubuntu
  6. Running Solr on Jetty Servlet Container

    cd /opt/solr*/example
    sudo java -jar start.jar
  7. Access Solr Admin Backend on Browser

  8. How-to Quick-Start with Solr Server on Linux:

    Solr Queries Quick-Start
Install Solr 4 on Ubuntu  13.10 Saucy Linux - Solr Admin Backend

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